
CryoPen is an advanced cryotherapy innovation that is a fast,
effective and safe new solution for removal of skin imperfections.

Treatment summary

Procedure time
5 - 30 seconds
Full recovery
4 - 10 weeks
Back to work
Risks & complications
Redness, Itchiness, irritation, pigment changes, nerve damage, hair follicle damage
Sensitivity period
2 - 3 days
Duration of results
Permanent, some may require more than one treatment

Procedures typically last from 5-30 seconds, emitting a fine jet of Nitrous Oxide under high pressure, which allows the clinician to work with millimetre precision. This destroys the tissue by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, destroying the cell.

CryoPen offers the ideal treatment for:

  • Skin Tags
  • Solar Lentigo
  • Age Spots
  • Millia
  • Warts
  • Cherry Angioma
  • Viral Verrucae

CryoPen FAQs

Are there any side effects?

Cryotherapy is relatively low risk, a few side effects may occur as a result of treatment, including:

  • Pigmentary changes (hypopigmentation & hyperpigmentation), if this happens skin colour normally returns after a few months.
  • Nerve damage (particularly in areas where nerves lie close to the surface of the skin; fingers, wrist, area behind the ear).
  • Reports show that normal sensitivity returns after a few months.
  • Shards of frozen ice, may blow out during the treatment, they will thaw on contact with healthy skin.
  • Hair follicle damage and permanent Alopecia (especially when treating area on sites with coarse terminal hair.
  • Blisters may occur at the point of contact, they will usually disappear in a couple of days.

How much will the treatment cost?

The cost of the treatment will depend on the size of the area and the numbers of imperfections. Verrucae’s take longer to treat so they always cost more. Prices start from £70.

Is the treatment painful?

There will be a pain sensation similar to a stinging nettle on the skin during the treatment. There may be residual stinging after the treatment and the area may appear red in colour for a few days.

For more information or to book your consultation, please contact us today.

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